
There is an old Bulgarian saying: “Stupidity occurs to humans”. Indeed, it does. All too often. More often than we all would like to see. But what can we do? There is no stupid animal. Animals are just natural, so are trees. For people stupidity is natural too. In order to achieve something more than naturally occurring stupidity we need to make an effort and think. By making an effort I don’t mean – over exert oneself. No, on the contrary, natural life is hard work and full of frustration and disappointments only the clever ones can lead a truly good lazy life in luxury or whatever you consider good life: might be devoting your life to yourself, your family, the advancement of humanity or science and invention. But alas good life doesn’t come naturally. You must plan it, build it, and then enjoy it. And all that involves thinking. And thinking is a dangerous process always prone to stumble into the trap of stupidity especially if it is done in a stuck up self-conceited: ‘holier than you way’. 

  We all know stupidity after the fact. Well, most ot the time. That’s not a big feat. It’s easy to notice when it hurts. It’s harder to grasp it before the fact: Danger! Stupidity! Will get us into trouble! Will most possibly hurt! Probably a lot! Evade, prevent, desist, in one word: THINK!. Thinking may be painful and confusing and is not a sure antidote to stupidity. Actually stupidity is a one of the possible outcomes of thinking) still it is the only known remedy against the pains and frustration of stupidity. 

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